I help women obtain self-mastery and work with their energy to find a deeper level of self love and a life of abundance, confidence & contentment.

You're here because you are so ready for change and to 
lean into your spirituality for self-connection & growth.






Through working in both the gemmological and the spiritual worlds of crystals and with years of study getting down to the core of mindful practices and how they change the brain and our experiences in the world, I have been able to create a unique, gentle and transformative method to support you on your journey to wellness.

I've seen and experienced first-hand how malleable the mind is and how quickly we can shift our energy, reprogram the subconscious mind to see ourselves and the world around us in a whole new light.

I see the potential in everyone to obtain self-mastery and work with their energy to live their best life and feel their best in it.

Imagine releasing yourself from your past so you can embody your full potential in the now and attract your best future in flow.

Work with me 1:1


If you're feeling the pull to something greater for yourself, be it deeper self-love, confidence, a thriving business or manifesting a big dream - it might be time to invest in yourself and be guided to your highest potential.

During our time together you will meet all parts of yourself with compassion and harness your energy to work for you.

"I was a bit lost when I started. Stacey genuinely cared about my well being, she was able to connect with me and guide/equip me with tools (not just crystals) to deal with things as they came up (sadness, past trauma, fear etc). She was with me all the way, I am so much more connected to myself, a lot more confident and excited that I’m doing things for myself! Forever grateful that I was able to experience guidance and love by the teacher/big sister/mother I never had."


"I feel safe knowing i have a coach like you to help me grow both personally and professionally. I was able to express my emotions and feelings that have been a HUGE blockage. I am also able to re-gain my motivation in my journey to continue working towards my creative dream."



Having a mentor by your side to inspire, support and guide you can speed up your journey in quantum leaps.

Together we take a holistic approach to your journey and integrate energetic therapies in our sessions.

Whether you need personal or business guidance, Stacey can help you deepen your love and appreciation for self whilst finding flow in abundance and your personal power.

Apply for July 2024

Apply to become a private mentoring client.


If you're feeling stuck and need assistance clearing a path and guiding you back to yourself, a single and powerful transformational coaching session can help you find freedom and transcend to a higher space. 

This is great for those in a space of resistance - particularly in showing up for yourself or your business or needing clarity on a decision.

Utilising hypnotherapy techniques and energetic clearing I support you as your release and reset your subconscious mind.

Book a clarity call to see how I can support you.

Holistic Healing + Counselling to support your emotional and energetic self.

This experience is designed to nurture and support your emotional and energetic needs leaning on energy/reiki healing, psychotherapy and holistic counselling.

Each session is 45-60 minutes and can be targeted to a specific intention and utilises modalities depending on the individual needs of the client.

Ages 16+

Book your session.

"I'm here to ground all the information on energetics and mindfulness into your real-life, giving you potent practices and life-changing experiences."

1:1 Private Holistic Mentoring

from $1888/pm


  • 90 minute sessions
  • Spot coaching & guidance
  • Personalised rituals and guided journeys
  • Daily messaging & voice clips via Signal
  • Bespoke Crystal Ritual kit for your journey

Payment plans available.
Book a call to curate a mentoring container tailored to your journey.


1:1 Transformative Coaching Experience



  • 90 minute coaching call
  • post session check-in and ritual guidance
  • experience real-time energy shifts
  • perfect for shifting your mindset and bringing you into alignment
  • connect with your authentic self and feel empowered to step into a new energetic space
  • remove old blocks and negative programs
  • cut cords from the past and take inspired action

Energy Alignment 1:1 Session



  • 45-60 minute session, held via Zoom
  • designed to nurture and support your emotional and energetic needs
  • utilises crystals, reiki, sound and aromatherapy
  • perfect for those seeking an energetic experience to discover their blocks
  • can be targeted to a specific intention
  • ages 16+
  • Initial consultation $222

Stacey is Uluna's co-founder, Gemmologist, meditation therapist, transformation coach, Crystal + Reiki Master Healer, NLP Practitioner, Autonomic Nervous System Reprogrammer, Brain Body Medicine Therapist and is currently completing her Masters in Holistic Counselling.

She has over 14 years of industry experience, a lifetime of rock (mineral) collecting and is the Vice President of the Gemmological Association of Australia VIC Division.

She is passionate about bridging the gap between the scientific and the spiritual worlds of energetics. By empowering her clients with the energetics of minerals and the psychology behind personal development practices she is able to guide them on a transformative journey, assisting them in strengthening their intuition and reconnecting to their personal power.

Reiki 1 - Training Day

Love receiving reiki and would like to learn how to channel this energy for yourself and your loved ones?

Curious about energy practices and would like to explore bringing this modality into your life?

Considering becoming a practitioner or to learn a new modality to work alongside your current skill-set?

Reiki is a beautiful practice that gently guides you back to yourself and creates space for change. Amplify your crystal practice or simply use it to soothe and ground your own energy.

Join my intimate Reiki 1 training day and feel safe and supported in a group of like-minded people. Laughs guaranteed!